Today i'm going to talk about my favorite
top free web hosting sites that do not
make you have ads on your website as part of
the deal. These web hosting sites offer a lot
of great features and easy to use.....
1) 000webhost
Disk Space -1500 MB Space!
Data Transfer- 100 GB / month
Add-on Domains -5
Sub-domains -5
E-mail Addresses -5
MySQL Databases -2
Control Panel -Custom Panel
Simple Site Builder - yes
Automated Weekly Backups -Limited
Uptime -99%
2) Byethost
Disk Space -1000 MB Space!
Data Transfer- 50 GB / month
Add-on Domains -5
Sub-domains -5
E-mail Addresses -5
MySQL Databases -5
maximum file size- 10 mb
Control panel - Vista panel
Uptime -99%
3) Hostinger
Disk Space -2000 MB Space!
Data Transfer- 100 GB / month
Add-on Domains -5
Sub-domains -5
E-mail Addresses -5
MySQL Databases -2
maximum file size- 10 mb
Uptime -99%
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